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Joy Kingdom Beginners Guide

From top to bottom of your game screen:
Game Tabs:

Play - Click to play the game
Free Gifts - Click here to send Free Gifts to your friends, such as Energy Potions and crafting materials.
Get Acorns - Buy more Acorns using FB credits
Get Mana - Buy more Mana using FB credits
Invite Friends - Here you can invite your Friends to play Joy Kingdom
Help - This will take you to the Get Satisfaction Support Page. If you have issues, a SoJo employee can help you there
Community - This will take you to Joy Kingdom's Facebook Page
Inbox - Here you will find your gifts, requests, neighbor requests, and item requests from neighbors

This is how much Mana you have. Collect Mana from your Plants and Trees to get more. Mana is the in-game currency that is used to purchase items from the shop. You also earn mana upon completion of some quests.

You can buy and unlock items with Acorns if you want to get ahead. You will receive 1 Acorn with every Level Up. Spend them wisely, as they're not free when you run out.

This is the amount of food you have to feed the animals of your Kingdom. Each animal eats a different amount of food. Add more food by planting and harvesting crops.
How much Joy you have. Send it to your favorite project.
The first number is your Animal population. Each animal has a different population. The second number is your maximum Animal population. Empowering Animal Statues increases your maximum animal population. Learn more about the Animals and Statues here.
You can only carry a maximum of 25 energy. Energy replenishes 1 energy every 3 minutes. Visiting neighbors is one way to get more energy.

Out of Energy?
If you run out of energy while clearing or harvesting your Kingdom, click another item and this screen will come up.

You can use energy you received from neighbors (see image above)
You can buy an energy Keg that holds 20 energy. It will cost 3 acorns
You can also ask your neighbors to send you energy (you can only ask a neighbor once in a 24h period)
On the right side of your screen, there will be an icon with a game character. Click on it to watch a short video and get 1 energy.

The Experience Points Bar
Each level requires a different amount of experience points (the yellow stars). The higher the level, the more experience points you will need to collect. You get experience points for everything you click on and for completing quests.
Roll over the bar to see how much experience you will need to collect to reach next level.

A guide to the tools that are located in the bottom right corner of your game screen.

Shop until you drop...or at least until you're out of Mana.
You access your inventory by clicking on this crate. Materials to craft goods at the Spirit Trees, grow Plants and Trees, restore Animals Statues, and attract Animals are stored here, as well as energy potions. You can also sell items in your inventory to get more mana.
Here you can Give Joy to your favorite Projects
Quest Log will show your current quests and completed quests
Save Button. Click the button to manually save your progress. It will automatically save every now and then as well.
The save button will look like this when it's saving.
Tools to Move, Sell and Store.

When you choose the $ symbol, you can sell decor, animals etc. Be careful when you select to sell items, as there is no confirmation.

Click the gear to open this menu. Click the top 2 icons to mute/unmute the sound and music of the game. Click the bottom icon to enter/exit fullscreen mode.

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