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Blood Brothers Evolution Guide

Advanced Evolution Guide
Blood Brothers RPG (Android)

Table of contents

1.     Introduction............................[int]
2.     The Evolution...........................[evo]
2.1    8-Card evolution........................[ev8]
2.2    7-Card evolution........................[ev7]
2.3    6-Card evolution........................[ev6]
2.4    5-Card evolution........................[ev5]
2.5    4-Card evolution........................[ev4]
2.6    3-Card evolution........................[ev3]
2.7    2-Card evolution........................[ev2]
3.     Conclusion..............................[con]
4.     Copyright...............................[cop]
5.     Contact / version history / credits.....[cnt]

1.     Introduction                                                   [int]


If you’re like me and many other users that can’t get a hold of 8x 1-star
familiars to get a 100% perfect evolution but still want to evolve the most
efficient way, then this guide is for you.

2.     The Evolution                                                  [evo]

I hope you are smart enough to realize that the SPAWN should ALWAYS be the
strongest familiar when evolving. NEVER use the strongest as SEED.
Example: familiar #1 has 10000 HP and familiar #2 has 9000 HP due coffin
or/and no crystal bonuses. We put #1 as SPAWN and #2 as SEED. This will
result 10000 + 900 (10% of #2) total stats of 10900. If done wrong, it will
result in 9000 + 1000 (10% of #1) = 10000

Oh and I wish I didn’t need to say this but just in case you’re not smart

Some common terms that I will be using from now on:
R1    – The rarity of the familiar, R1 means rare 1/4 star
R2    – The rarity of the familiar, R2 means rare 2/4 star
EP3   – The rarity of the familiar, EP3 means epic 3/4 star
EP4   – The rarity of the familiar, EP4 means epic 4/4 star
R2s   - The seeded R2. Meaning this familiar is evolved using 2x R1
        at level 70, which means it’s a perfect R2 familiar
ATT   - Attribute, aka HP/ATK/DEF/WIS/AGI
ST    - Stats of a certain attribute, like 5500 ATK

There are many ways to evolve your familiar to a fully evolved familiar.
You can obtain a fully evolved familiar in 8 ways:
- Using 8-cards evolution (100% perfect)
- Using 7-cards evolution (~99.9%)
- Using 6-cards evolution
- Using 5-cards evolution
- Using 4-cards evolution
- Using 3-cards evolution
- Using 2-cards evolution
- Coffin                  (~81.7%)

I will be using the following coffin stats on L70/L99 familiars with no
bonus gain from evolution (no +5% or +10% gains). The actual stat doesn’t
matter but the % increment later on.

     R1     R2           EP3          EP4 
     -----  -----------  -----------  -----------
HP   5000   6000 (+20%)  7500 (+25%)  9000 (+20%)
ATK  5000   6000 (+20%)  7500 (+25%)  9000 (+20%)
DEF  5000   6000 (+20%)  7500 (+25%)  9000 (+20%)
WIS  5000   6000 (+20%)  7500 (+25%)  9000 (+20%)
AGI  5000   6000 (+20%)  7500 (+25%)  9000 (+20%)
TOT  25000  30000(+20%)  37500(+25%)  45000(+20%)

After checking these on 5 different familiars I’ve concluded the
following during evolution:
R1  + R1  = R2  gives 20% base ATT growth, plus 10% of the seed
EP3 + EP3 = EP4 gives 20% base ATT growth, plus 10% of the seed
R2  + R2  = EP3 varies depending on familiar, the growth seems to vary
                from 30% to 20% per ATT. For this guide I’m using 25%
                as avg. There are some exception like Manticore but it
                won’t affect the thing we are looking for.

2.1    8-Card evolution                                               [ev8]

Available methods: 1) 8x R1

1) R1 + R1 = R2s  / R2s + R2s = EP3 / EP3 + EP3 = EP4

         ATT           TOT            Pct
Coffin   9000          45000          ~82%
Perfect  11015 (+2015) 55075 (+10075) 100%

2.2    7-Card evolution                                               [ev7]

From now on I will be using the 8-card perfect evolution as base stats to
compare from. I’ll also be using shorter terms to keep things clearer.

         ATT          TOT           Pct      Cards
Perfect  11015        55075         100%    
7-c m.1  11010 (-5)   55050 (-25)   ~99.95%  6x R1|1x R2|
7-c m.2  11000 (-15)  55000 (-75)   ~99.86%  7x R1|     |

m1) R2s + R2s / R2s + R2 / EP3 + EP3
m2) R2s + R2s / R2s + R1 / EP3 + EP3

2.3    6-Card evolution                                               [ev6]

         ATT          TOT           Pct      Cards
Perfect  11015        55075         100%    
6-c m.1  10960 (-55)  54800 (-275)  ~99.50%  4x R1|2x R2|
6-c m.2  10950 (-65)  54750 (-325)  ~99.41%  5x R1|1x R2|
6-c m.3  10850 (-165) 54250 (-825)  ~98.50%  6x R1|     |

m1) R2s + R2s / R2 + R2 / EP3 + EP3
m2) R2s + R2s / R2 + R1 / EP3 + EP3
m3) R2s + R1 (2x)       / EP3 + EP3

2.4    5-Card evolution                                               [ev5]

         ATT          TOT           Pct      Cards
Perfect  11015        55075         100%
5-c m.1  10910 (-105) 54550 (-525)  ~99.05%  2x R1|3x R2|
5-c m.2  10900 (-115) 54500 (-575)  ~98.96%  3x R1|2x R2|
5-c m.3  10900 (-115) 54500 (-575)  ~98.96%  4x R1|     |1x EP3
5-c m.4  10750 (-265) 53750 (-1325) ~97.59%  4x R1|1x R2|
5-c m.5  10650 (-365) 53250 (-1825) ~96.69%  5x R1|     |

m1) R2s + R2 / R2 + R2 / EP3 + EP3
m2) R2s + R2 / R2 + R1 / EP3 + EP3
m3) R2s + R2s          / EP3 + EP3
m4) R2s + R2s          / EP3 + R2
m5) R2s + R2s          / EP3 + R1

2.5    4-Card evolution                                               [ev4]

         ATT          TOT           Pct      Cards
Perfect  11015        55075         100%    
4-c m.1  10850 (-165) 54550 (-825)  ~98.50%  2x R1|1x R2|1x EP3
4-c m.2  10700 (-315) 53500 (-1575) ~97.14%  2x R1|2x R2|
4-c m.3  10750 (-265) 53750 (-1325) ~97.59%  3x R1|     |1x EP3
4-c m.4  10600 (-415) 53000 (-2075) ~96.23%  3x R1|1x R2|
4-c m.5  10500 (-515) 52500 (-2575) ~95.32%  4x R1|     |
4-c m.6  10410 (-605) 52050 (-3025) ~94.51%       |4x R2|
4-c m.7  10400 (-615) 52000 (-3075) ~94.42%  1x R1|3x R2|

m1) R2s + R2 / EP3 + EP3
m2) R2s + R2 / EP3 + R2
m3) R2s + R1 / EP3 + EP3
m4) R2s + R1 / EP3 + R2
m5) R2s + R1 / EP3 + R1
m6) R2 + R2  / EP3 + EP3
m7) R2 + R2  / R2 + R1 / EP3 + EP3

2.6    3-Card evolution                                               [ev3]

         ATT          TOT           Pct      Cards
Perfect  11015        55075         100%    
3-c m.1  10350 (-665) 51750 (-3325) ~93.96%       |2x R2|1x EP3
3-c m.2  10250 (-765) 51250 (-3825) ~93.05%  1x R1|1x R2|1x EP3
3-c m.3  10200 (-815) 51000 (-4075) ~92.60%       |3x R2|
3-c m.4  10100 (-915) 50500 (-4575) ~91.69%  1x R1|2x R2|
3-c m.5  10000 (-1015)50000 (-5075) ~90.79%  2x R1|1x R2|

m1) R2 + R2 / EP3 + EP3
m2) R2 + R1 / EP3 + EP3
m3) R2 + R2 / EP3 + R2
m4) R2 + R2 / EP3 + R1
m5) R2 + R1 / EP3 + R1

2.7    2-Card evolution                                               [ev2]

         ATT         TOT           Pct      Cards
Perfect  11015       55075         100%
2-c m.1  9750 (-1265)48750 (-6325) ~88.52%       |     |2x EP3
2-c m.2  9600 (-1415)48000 (-7075) ~87.15%       |1x R2|1x EP3
2-c m.3  9500 (-1435)47900 (-7175) ~86.97%  1x R1|     |1x EP3

m1) EP3 + EP3
m2) EP3 + R2
m3) EP3 + R1

3      Conclusion                                                     [con]

The overview:

|         ATT          TOT           Pct      Cards             |
|Perfect  11015        55075         100%                       |
|7-c m.1  11010 (-5)   55050 (-25)   ~99.95%  6x R1|1x R2|      |
|7-c m.2  11000 (-15)  55000 (-75)   ~99.86%  7x R1|     |      |
|6-c m.1  10960 (-55)  54800 (-275)  ~99.50%  4x R1|2x R2|      |
|6-c m.2  10950 (-65)  54750 (-325)  ~99.41%  5x R1|1x R2|      |
|6-c m.3  10850 (-165) 54250 (-825)  ~98.50%  6x R1|     |      |
|5-c m.1  10910 (-105) 54550 (-525)  ~99.05%  2x R1|3x R2|      |
|5-c m.2  10900 (-115) 54500 (-575)  ~98.96%  3x R1|2x R2|      |
|5-c m.3  10900 (-115) 54500 (-575)  ~98.96%  4x R1|     |1x EP3|
|5-c m.4  10750 (-265) 53750 (-1325) ~97.59%  4x R1|1x R2|      |
|5-c m.5  10650 (-365) 53250 (-1825) ~96.69%  5x R1|     |      |
|4-c m.1  10850 (-165) 54550 (-825)  ~98.50%  2x R1|1x R2|1x EP3|
|4-c m.2  10700 (-315) 53500 (-1575) ~97.14%  2x R1|2x R2|      |
|4-c m.3  10750 (-265) 53750 (-1325) ~97.59%  3x R1|     |1x EP3|
|4-c m.4  10600 (-415) 53000 (-2075) ~96.23%  3x R1|1x R2|      |
|4-c m.5  10500 (-515) 52500 (-2575) ~95.32%  4x R1|     |      |
|4-c m.6  10410 (-605) 52050 (-3025) ~94.51%       |4x R2|      |
|4-c m.7  10400 (-615) 52000 (-3075) ~94.42%  1x R1|3x R2|      |
|3-c m.1  10350 (-665) 51750 (-3325) ~93.96%       |2x R2|1x EP3|
|3-c m.2  10250 (-765) 51250 (-3825) ~93.05%  1x R1|1x R2|1x EP3|
|3-c m.3  10200 (-815) 51000 (-4075) ~92.60%       |3x R2|      |
|3-c m.4  10100 (-915) 50500 (-4575) ~91.69%  1x R1|2x R2|      |
|3-c m.5  10000 (-1015)50000 (-5075) ~90.79%  2x R1|1x R2|      |
|2-c m.1  9750  (-1265)48750 (-6325) ~88.52%       |     |2x EP3|
|2-c m.2  9600  (-1415)48000 (-7075) ~87.15%       |1x R2|1x EP3|
|2-c m.3  9500  (-1435)47900 (-7175) ~86.97%  1x R1|     |1x EP3|
|Coffin   9000  (-2015)45000 (-10075)~81.71%       |     |      |

The best and most efficient way to get a 98-99% perfect familiar can be
done with the 4, 5 or 6 evolution if you can’t get more than 7 of the same
familiar. The R1+R1+R2+EP3 and R1+R1+R2+(R2+R2) will be your best friend.

I understand that even the best method, “R1+R1+R2+EP3” can be hard to
obtain, especially with event/exclusive cards. For those I’d suggest get a
familiar somewhere around 95%, its stats loss compared to perfect can be
almost fully recovered with 10x crystals on each attribute.

4      Copyright                                                      [cop]

This document is Copyright © 2012 Da-Wen Wu
This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
distributed publicly without my permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

Currently, the following sites have permission to post my FAQ:

I'm not going to allow people with small personal sites to post this FAQ.
Just use the GameFAQS link instead. If you really want to post it on your
site, ask me politely and if I like your site, you will definitely have the
luck of getting it up there.

5      Contact / version history / credits                            [cnt]

Please E-mail me and correct any errors I have made. Also, suggestions,
questions and compliments are appreciated as well. My E-mail is

This guide was made through self-research mainly with Excel, message me for
a look in spreadsheet on google docs (message with a valid reason please).

Special thanks to the following users:
hypadragon2; another 3-c evolution method possibility

|Version History|
v1.1 01/11/2012
- Added two more evolution possibilities (3-c and 5-c)
- Slightly updated section 4 & 5
- Minor (grammar) fixes

v1.0 24/10/2012
- Evolution system explained



John- awesome analysis amigo!!

A question/point of clarification I am trying to's tough to elaborate in text but I will give it a shot:

Familiars = 8 R1 lvl 1 all same unit

Step 1 level-up 1 unit to 70
Step 2 (this is the question) A) Level 2nd unit to 70 and THEN merge or B) Is there no end-stat difference if you merge the lvl 70 into the level 1 and then level the R2 to 70?

Since merging 2 lvl 70 R1 units still only grants a level 70 R2 I am not seeing any difference in final R2 stats at 70...

As a follow on question, assume the same scenario as above but merging level 70 R2 (perfect) into a level 1 R2 (perfect R1 lvl70 merged into R1 lvl 1). Since the resulting Unit is now a level 1 EP3 in many cases, I am curious to know if the points gained per level changes due to change from Rare to Epic....Do some/all EP3's gain the same # of skill points per a given level or (depending on Familiar in question) would it yield higher EP4 final stats to fully level before doing any merging......


1 comment:

gw2 eu gold said...

Step 2 (this is the question) A) Level 2nd unit to 70 and THEN merge or B) Is there no end-stat difference if you merge the lvl 70 into the level 1 and then level the R2 to 70?ffxi gil
gw2 gold kaufen