Guild Wars 2 Cosmic Elementalist Guide by Chancer
Hello forum people!
I’m Overlord Cosmic (Better known as Chancer) from the guild Judge [JDGE]. You may know this guild name from my co-officer and friend Osicat, creator of the ShatterCat guide for mesmers, If you are considering playing a Mesmer I highly recommend checking out his guide!
Shattercat guide:
Anyway to the point, I’m going to explain the build, gear and uses of my build and I am also interested in the points you may wish to raise so we can improve this spec to try and show how much of an effective spec a staff elementalist can be.
The spec itself I believe works best as a staff support spec but easily could be modified for Dagger/Dagger or Scepter/Dagger as a bunker style build.
The Traits
Ive chosen a fairly common build known by many elementalists but Im going to try and explain in detail why we pick what we do.
Link to build:
The minor traits are utilized for support as can be seen through
Soothing Mist – This is free passive healing for anyone around you (Not sure if this counts as an AOE, so Im going to assume this is therefore only applies to 5 people) when I explain the gear you will understand how powerful this little minor trait becomes.
Healing Ripple – Now one thing I’ve noticed new elementalists doing is staying in one attunement, Something that an elementalist has to learn is that attunement dancing (Changing between attunements) is a major bonus considering the bonus’ they give, also the uptime of AOE’s and other skills means you never have to stop doing anything.
Lingering attunements – You will see where this +6 second attunement bonus will come in handy once I explain the major traits. To be brief +6 seconds of boon duration (Especially considering Regeneration and protection) is godly for a minor trait.
The Major Traits
#Earth Magic – Earths Embrace – I prefer this trait over the other 6 purely due to the survivability it adds to the build. Armor of earth whenever you reach 50% health? Yes please! This is a flatout 10 second stability and 10 second protection boon which is nothing to shrug about, this could be the difference between dying and living.
I would say you could swap this out for Obsidian Focus which gaining a significant toughness while channeling meteor shower or healing rain in a heavy damage scenario could mean the be all or end all of a fight.
#Water Magic – Aquamancer’s Alacrity A 20% reduction of Water magic skills is essential for those encounters that just seem to last a long time, the more healing and regeneration you can dish out, the higher chance of your parties survival! Need I explain more? (Plus throwing frozen ground around a lot really helps!)
#Water Magic – Cleansing Wave The removal of a condition on multiple allies during a fight can solve a lot of problems, When fleeing this could be removing cripples or immobilizations, or when you are fighting condition specced classed this can completely ruin there damage, especially when you will be attunement dancing a lot.
#Water Magic – Cleansing Water Again going off of the condition removal, giving regeneration to people when you are swapping to the water attunement or using healing rain on a large group means condition specced classes basically get the boot!
#Arcane Magic – Elemental Attunement I really only rate this for 3 of the 4 boons you can get, but that is enough reason to take it! When swapping to water, you get regeneration thats a flat out heal over time + condition removal due to the water traits. When swapping to air there is some free swiftness to keep you and your group highly mobile. Finally when swapping to earth – Protection, 33% damage reduction for you and all around you, can really make the fights a hell of a lot easier.
#Arcane Magic – Blasting Staff Well this trait speaks for itself, Larger Area of effect skills. All of a sudden you can cover your entire group with healing rain, cause burning to a larger amount of people, cripple more people using unsteady ground. Its a given whenever using a staff build.
#Arcane Magic – Evasive Arcana I like this trait due to that little added extra “Oomph” it adds to the equation in a fight, be that extra healing, a blind, a small aoe blast or churning earth, every little helps and no other arcane magic trait really speaks out to me as supportive.
I’m Overlord Cosmic (Better known as Chancer) from the guild Judge [JDGE]. You may know this guild name from my co-officer and friend Osicat, creator of the ShatterCat guide for mesmers, If you are considering playing a Mesmer I highly recommend checking out his guide!
Shattercat guide:
Anyway to the point, I’m going to explain the build, gear and uses of my build and I am also interested in the points you may wish to raise so we can improve this spec to try and show how much of an effective spec a staff elementalist can be.
The spec itself I believe works best as a staff support spec but easily could be modified for Dagger/Dagger or Scepter/Dagger as a bunker style build.
The Traits
Ive chosen a fairly common build known by many elementalists but Im going to try and explain in detail why we pick what we do.
Link to build:
The minor traits are utilized for support as can be seen through
Soothing Mist – This is free passive healing for anyone around you (Not sure if this counts as an AOE, so Im going to assume this is therefore only applies to 5 people) when I explain the gear you will understand how powerful this little minor trait becomes.
Healing Ripple – Now one thing I’ve noticed new elementalists doing is staying in one attunement, Something that an elementalist has to learn is that attunement dancing (Changing between attunements) is a major bonus considering the bonus’ they give, also the uptime of AOE’s and other skills means you never have to stop doing anything.
Lingering attunements – You will see where this +6 second attunement bonus will come in handy once I explain the major traits. To be brief +6 seconds of boon duration (Especially considering Regeneration and protection) is godly for a minor trait.
The Major Traits
#Earth Magic – Earths Embrace – I prefer this trait over the other 6 purely due to the survivability it adds to the build. Armor of earth whenever you reach 50% health? Yes please! This is a flatout 10 second stability and 10 second protection boon which is nothing to shrug about, this could be the difference between dying and living.
I would say you could swap this out for Obsidian Focus which gaining a significant toughness while channeling meteor shower or healing rain in a heavy damage scenario could mean the be all or end all of a fight.
#Water Magic – Aquamancer’s Alacrity A 20% reduction of Water magic skills is essential for those encounters that just seem to last a long time, the more healing and regeneration you can dish out, the higher chance of your parties survival! Need I explain more? (Plus throwing frozen ground around a lot really helps!)
#Water Magic – Cleansing Wave The removal of a condition on multiple allies during a fight can solve a lot of problems, When fleeing this could be removing cripples or immobilizations, or when you are fighting condition specced classed this can completely ruin there damage, especially when you will be attunement dancing a lot.
#Water Magic – Cleansing Water Again going off of the condition removal, giving regeneration to people when you are swapping to the water attunement or using healing rain on a large group means condition specced classes basically get the boot!
#Arcane Magic – Elemental Attunement I really only rate this for 3 of the 4 boons you can get, but that is enough reason to take it! When swapping to water, you get regeneration thats a flat out heal over time + condition removal due to the water traits. When swapping to air there is some free swiftness to keep you and your group highly mobile. Finally when swapping to earth – Protection, 33% damage reduction for you and all around you, can really make the fights a hell of a lot easier.
#Arcane Magic – Blasting Staff Well this trait speaks for itself, Larger Area of effect skills. All of a sudden you can cover your entire group with healing rain, cause burning to a larger amount of people, cripple more people using unsteady ground. Its a given whenever using a staff build.
#Arcane Magic – Evasive Arcana I like this trait due to that little added extra “Oomph” it adds to the equation in a fight, be that extra healing, a blind, a small aoe blast or churning earth, every little helps and no other arcane magic trait really speaks out to me as supportive.
The Utilities
Now I will always maintain that you pick the utility skills dependent on what situation you are in and how you like to deal with it. I tend to use those which increase my chance of survival meaning I have a better chance of survival to increase the chance of success of those around me. Because of this I use (Most often)…
#Mist Form – Few things about mist form, in terms of a quick get away or when you truly are in the thick of it, its a life saver. I couldn’t even try to count how many times this skill has saved my donkey on a day to day basis. 3 seconds of increased movement speed and invulnerability really goes a long way!
Also the ability to begin reviving someone and then pop this bad boy and still be reviving is lovely
#Arcane Shield – For when you really need to get that channeled spell off. You will find there are many times when you are under fire but desperately need to get a geyser or other AOE attack off and this skill can give you the time you need to put the hammer down. In conjunction with Mist form as well, this just maximizes your up-time even more!
#Signet of Earth – Well this is my swap in and out skill, Passive toughness and an on demand immobilize is nice but really you can swap this skill out to whatever you feel necessary at the time. Its just another survivability tool or 1v1 tool that can really make a difference.
#Elite Glyph of Elements – You would be incredibly surprised how helpful some of these elementals are. The water elemental is incredibly good at healing and can add a hell of a lot of survivability to the group. The Earth elemental can give that distraction that you may or may not need and the Air elemental with its Aoe style stun is just a brilliant annoyance tool in any scenario.
The Gear
Now as you have guessed from how this build is traited and what utilities are used, this is not a bursty style damage spec. This is just a high sustained damage, healing, support spec. In knowing this we need the gear to reflect and compliment what we are doing.
I personally have chosen Cleric gear as it offers what we need to stay alive and keep others alive while still offering damage when we need it. For those who dont know Cleric gear is Power, Toughness and Healing power. Survivability and Healing. Love it.
I do run 6/6 Cleric gear but It is completely up to you whether you use the full 6/6 or swap it out for say a few pieces of invaders gear for the vitality or say some condition gear to add to the burning/bleed damage you will be giving off.
It really is up to you what you swap just bare in mind by swapping say – the chest piece you will be swapping a lot of stats in comparison to the boots or gloves.
Trinket wise I personally use only 1 piece of cleric here and thats the necklace. The rest I currently use a mix of toughness vitality and toughness condition damage, this is just to be a jack of trades of sorts. This way offering viable condition damage while still being up for the supportive elements that this build offers.
Runes and sigils, well I leave this up to you, personally I like to use dwayna runes as you can tell I’m super Healy! But it’s down to personal preference and what you feel you need, same with the sigil on your weapon, it’s a matter of personal preference.
Combo Fields – Learn to love them
I see it too many times in WvW, Dungeons and Spvp. An AoE goes down and people do not use it to gain additional boons and buffs which can turn the tide of a battle.
Being a staff elementalist You are the main dealer of combo fields. Dependent on the situation learn to stick your healing rain on the enemy to grant regeneration to all those using a projectile finisher, also giving melee with leaps, blast and whirl finishers all manner of healing.
This also goes for any other AoEs we have, for example:
A blast finisher in a fire field grants area might! Take a couple of thieves throwing cluster bombs in a fire field BOOM 20 odd stacks of might for a multitude of characters, to me that is brilliant.
Combo fields. Our best friends.
To Summarize
I hope you have enjoyed reading how I play my elementalist as a support role, I also hope you can gain some knowledge and can also share your knowledge with me.
Very much like Osi, I will start to use videos, Answer questions and constantly adapt this guide as the game evolves. This will not be the end for this guide and your input will be ultimately what could make this guide successful to help all elementalists considering a different playstyle.
Thank you and I look forward to working alongside you, the community.
Now I will always maintain that you pick the utility skills dependent on what situation you are in and how you like to deal with it. I tend to use those which increase my chance of survival meaning I have a better chance of survival to increase the chance of success of those around me. Because of this I use (Most often)…
#Mist Form – Few things about mist form, in terms of a quick get away or when you truly are in the thick of it, its a life saver. I couldn’t even try to count how many times this skill has saved my donkey on a day to day basis. 3 seconds of increased movement speed and invulnerability really goes a long way!
Also the ability to begin reviving someone and then pop this bad boy and still be reviving is lovely

#Arcane Shield – For when you really need to get that channeled spell off. You will find there are many times when you are under fire but desperately need to get a geyser or other AOE attack off and this skill can give you the time you need to put the hammer down. In conjunction with Mist form as well, this just maximizes your up-time even more!
#Signet of Earth – Well this is my swap in and out skill, Passive toughness and an on demand immobilize is nice but really you can swap this skill out to whatever you feel necessary at the time. Its just another survivability tool or 1v1 tool that can really make a difference.
#Elite Glyph of Elements – You would be incredibly surprised how helpful some of these elementals are. The water elemental is incredibly good at healing and can add a hell of a lot of survivability to the group. The Earth elemental can give that distraction that you may or may not need and the Air elemental with its Aoe style stun is just a brilliant annoyance tool in any scenario.
The Gear
Now as you have guessed from how this build is traited and what utilities are used, this is not a bursty style damage spec. This is just a high sustained damage, healing, support spec. In knowing this we need the gear to reflect and compliment what we are doing.
I personally have chosen Cleric gear as it offers what we need to stay alive and keep others alive while still offering damage when we need it. For those who dont know Cleric gear is Power, Toughness and Healing power. Survivability and Healing. Love it.
I do run 6/6 Cleric gear but It is completely up to you whether you use the full 6/6 or swap it out for say a few pieces of invaders gear for the vitality or say some condition gear to add to the burning/bleed damage you will be giving off.
It really is up to you what you swap just bare in mind by swapping say – the chest piece you will be swapping a lot of stats in comparison to the boots or gloves.
Trinket wise I personally use only 1 piece of cleric here and thats the necklace. The rest I currently use a mix of toughness vitality and toughness condition damage, this is just to be a jack of trades of sorts. This way offering viable condition damage while still being up for the supportive elements that this build offers.
Runes and sigils, well I leave this up to you, personally I like to use dwayna runes as you can tell I’m super Healy! But it’s down to personal preference and what you feel you need, same with the sigil on your weapon, it’s a matter of personal preference.
Combo Fields – Learn to love them
I see it too many times in WvW, Dungeons and Spvp. An AoE goes down and people do not use it to gain additional boons and buffs which can turn the tide of a battle.
Being a staff elementalist You are the main dealer of combo fields. Dependent on the situation learn to stick your healing rain on the enemy to grant regeneration to all those using a projectile finisher, also giving melee with leaps, blast and whirl finishers all manner of healing.
This also goes for any other AoEs we have, for example:
A blast finisher in a fire field grants area might! Take a couple of thieves throwing cluster bombs in a fire field BOOM 20 odd stacks of might for a multitude of characters, to me that is brilliant.
Combo fields. Our best friends.
To Summarize
I hope you have enjoyed reading how I play my elementalist as a support role, I also hope you can gain some knowledge and can also share your knowledge with me.
Very much like Osi, I will start to use videos, Answer questions and constantly adapt this guide as the game evolves. This will not be the end for this guide and your input will be ultimately what could make this guide successful to help all elementalists considering a different playstyle.
Thank you and I look forward to working alongside you, the community.
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