I've played this game for a few days now and I just reached level 18. I came up with this list to help current and future Social Empires players.
#1. Have a relatively even mix of ranged and melee units in your army: In other words, do not just make all archers or all swordsmen; you will easily be defeated this way. For example, if you make only close-ranged units, such as swordsmen or knights, ranged enemies will be able to kill a good amount of your units before you even get to attack them.
On the other hand, if you only make ranged units, enemy units with a lot of health will easily be able to tear right through those archers. This is due to the fact that ranged units usually do not have a lot of health, nor do they do a lot of damage. Find the right mix of units that you feel works best for you.
#2. Minimize your unit losses: Units are very expensive in this game, so it is important to be smart when battling. Making more units uses up most of your resources and slows down the growth of your empire. There are a couple of tactics that I use when battling.
Tactic #1. I found it best to organize my army in the following way. The swordsmen and knights go in the front, as they have more attack power and more health.
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The archers are placed at the back of the army, where they can rain down arrows on enemies from afar. The close ranged units absorb most of the damage, while the archers and/or catapults can attack without being killed.
Tactic #2: This second tactic is more difficult to perform, because the game makes it difficult to control larger armies, but it is a very effective tactic if done correctly. Basically you put all of your ranged units in an area relatively close to a group of enemies (Not too close where they start chasing you, but close enough).
Then you take a unit with a speed greater than 3 (I usually use a knight for this) and run close to the enemies so they start chasing you. Then run your knight to your group of ranged units waiting nearby. The enemy units will chase your knight for a couple of seconds, and while this is happening, your ranged units will kill a good amount of the enemy army. This works great, especially when you have a large number of ranged units.
#3. Explore The World To Obtain Gold: Once you reach level 7, you can go to the world map and click "Let's Sail" on the boat. As you sail around, avoid towers and only attack the purple Octopuses and the yellow Kraken. Once your ship gets low on health, quickly click on any of the islands labeled with a picture of an anchor.
Next, unless you are level 16+, DO NOT attack any units on the isle. Instead, click the battle menu in the lower left hand corner, then click Yes when it asks if you want to finalize the battle. Go back to your empire, and you will have received the gold you got from killing the Octopuses and Kraken. This is a great way to get gold early on.
#4. Kill Units Before Towers: Especially when attacking other players, NEVER attack towers and units at the same time, as this is a great way to lose all of your units. Instead, attack an enemy building and this will draw out the enemy units. Kill the units as they come out and stay away from the enemy towers. Once all enemy units have been defeated, and your army is still strong enough, you can then start destroying the towers. This is a much easier and more efficient way to win battles and to obtain gold. The best way to destroy towers in the lower levels is to use scorpions, as you can attack from afar without getting hit. If you don't think you can get through the towers then just finalize the battle. Losing your entire army for a few towers is NEVER worth it.
#5. Placing Towers Effectively: DO NOT place towers by themselves on the outside edge of your city. Instead, it is best to place these towers behind walls, in groups of 2 or more. Close ranged units will not be able to attack your towers until they get through the walls and most likely they will be dead before they get through the walls anyway.
Ranged units usually do not have much health, so the towers will destroy ranged units, especially if the towers are close together in groups of 2 or more. Keeping towers is EXTREMELY important, as they require a lot of stone to replace and stone is difficult to come by in Social Empires.
#6. Exhaust the Market Every Day: At level 15 you will be able to build a market, where you can buy and sell food, lumber and stone. You only get to use the market a certain number of times each day (I think it's 20 times per day) so make sure you maximize your uses. I just use the market for buying stone, because I feel that stone is the most difficult resource to obtain in Social Empires. Use the market for whichever resource you need the most.
#7. Mine All Stone and Gold: Around your city you will find gold and stone that regenerates every 3 hours. It is important to collect all gold and stone around your city each time that you play Social Empires. This tip may sound like common sense, but many players forget to mine all of the resources that are available, and they end up not having enough to build units and buildings.
Harvest resources, such as stone, gold, and trees with more than one villager, it will save you some time. This is especially true when you are able to create level 2 villagers (3 at a time) and level 3 (7 at a time) villagers who can harvest more than one resource at a time.
#8. Spy Before Attacking: It's free to spy on your enemies, so why not try it? You have nothing to lose.
#9. Upgrade Your Town Hall: Once you do this you can make Villager II's. These units can select up to 3 resources at a time, so it will save you some time.
For example, you can select 3 trees for a single Villager II to cut down, rather than only being able to select one at a time. Although it costs 3500 gold to upgrade a Town Hall to level 2, I feel that it is worth it. I found it very annoying, that you could only select on resource node, or one tree at a time.
#10. Close Up Your City: When you are finished playing for the day, or if you know you won't be playing for a while, close up your city. In other words, use walls or buildings (preferably walls) to surround your city. Make sure there is no way in or out of your city and put all of your units within your city walls. This is the best way to ensure a strong defense against other players. Closing your city walls also ensures that your units will not be lured out and killed one by one. If you fail to close up your city, other players can very easily wipe out your entire city, while you are away. In my opinion this is probably the most important tip.
Thanks for reading, if you have any questions/comments feel free to comment below.
#1. Have a relatively even mix of ranged and melee units in your army: In other words, do not just make all archers or all swordsmen; you will easily be defeated this way. For example, if you make only close-ranged units, such as swordsmen or knights, ranged enemies will be able to kill a good amount of your units before you even get to attack them.
On the other hand, if you only make ranged units, enemy units with a lot of health will easily be able to tear right through those archers. This is due to the fact that ranged units usually do not have a lot of health, nor do they do a lot of damage. Find the right mix of units that you feel works best for you.
#2. Minimize your unit losses: Units are very expensive in this game, so it is important to be smart when battling. Making more units uses up most of your resources and slows down the growth of your empire. There are a couple of tactics that I use when battling.

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The archers are placed at the back of the army, where they can rain down arrows on enemies from afar. The close ranged units absorb most of the damage, while the archers and/or catapults can attack without being killed.
Tactic #2: This second tactic is more difficult to perform, because the game makes it difficult to control larger armies, but it is a very effective tactic if done correctly. Basically you put all of your ranged units in an area relatively close to a group of enemies (Not too close where they start chasing you, but close enough).
Then you take a unit with a speed greater than 3 (I usually use a knight for this) and run close to the enemies so they start chasing you. Then run your knight to your group of ranged units waiting nearby. The enemy units will chase your knight for a couple of seconds, and while this is happening, your ranged units will kill a good amount of the enemy army. This works great, especially when you have a large number of ranged units.

Next, unless you are level 16+, DO NOT attack any units on the isle. Instead, click the battle menu in the lower left hand corner, then click Yes when it asks if you want to finalize the battle. Go back to your empire, and you will have received the gold you got from killing the Octopuses and Kraken. This is a great way to get gold early on.
#4. Kill Units Before Towers: Especially when attacking other players, NEVER attack towers and units at the same time, as this is a great way to lose all of your units. Instead, attack an enemy building and this will draw out the enemy units. Kill the units as they come out and stay away from the enemy towers. Once all enemy units have been defeated, and your army is still strong enough, you can then start destroying the towers. This is a much easier and more efficient way to win battles and to obtain gold. The best way to destroy towers in the lower levels is to use scorpions, as you can attack from afar without getting hit. If you don't think you can get through the towers then just finalize the battle. Losing your entire army for a few towers is NEVER worth it.

Ranged units usually do not have much health, so the towers will destroy ranged units, especially if the towers are close together in groups of 2 or more. Keeping towers is EXTREMELY important, as they require a lot of stone to replace and stone is difficult to come by in Social Empires.
#6. Exhaust the Market Every Day: At level 15 you will be able to build a market, where you can buy and sell food, lumber and stone. You only get to use the market a certain number of times each day (I think it's 20 times per day) so make sure you maximize your uses. I just use the market for buying stone, because I feel that stone is the most difficult resource to obtain in Social Empires. Use the market for whichever resource you need the most.

Harvest resources, such as stone, gold, and trees with more than one villager, it will save you some time. This is especially true when you are able to create level 2 villagers (3 at a time) and level 3 (7 at a time) villagers who can harvest more than one resource at a time.
#8. Spy Before Attacking: It's free to spy on your enemies, so why not try it? You have nothing to lose.
#9. Upgrade Your Town Hall: Once you do this you can make Villager II's. These units can select up to 3 resources at a time, so it will save you some time.
For example, you can select 3 trees for a single Villager II to cut down, rather than only being able to select one at a time. Although it costs 3500 gold to upgrade a Town Hall to level 2, I feel that it is worth it. I found it very annoying, that you could only select on resource node, or one tree at a time.
#10. Close Up Your City: When you are finished playing for the day, or if you know you won't be playing for a while, close up your city. In other words, use walls or buildings (preferably walls) to surround your city. Make sure there is no way in or out of your city and put all of your units within your city walls. This is the best way to ensure a strong defense against other players. Closing your city walls also ensures that your units will not be lured out and killed one by one. If you fail to close up your city, other players can very easily wipe out your entire city, while you are away. In my opinion this is probably the most important tip.
Thanks for reading, if you have any questions/comments feel free to comment below.